Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 368

Chapter 368


Chapter 368: My Darling Gu Zi


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Aunt Wangs husband hastily chimed in, Indeed, indeed. She is like a flower in our courtyard. I wonder who will be fortunate enough to bring this flower home. They would be truly blessed.

He thought to himself how well she matched his son in age. If Gong Xin could become his daughter-in-law, the mere thought made him ecstatic.

However, Gu Zi found Wang and his wifes flattery amusing. She glanced at her friend Gong Xin, whose face was particularly unpleasant at the moment, and couldnt help but laugh.

Unbeknownst to Wang and his wife, they were stepping on Gong Xins toes with their flattery. Gong Xin despised being referred to as a flower, a pretty but useless thing.

Miss Gong had always strived to prove her independence. She would never willingly be a mere flower. Their dreams of plucking this flower were utterly absurd.

Aunt Wang noticed Gu Zit s mocking smile and frowned, Gu Zi, why are you still here? What are you laughing at? Dont you know that Xin Xin doesnt like seeing you? You should leave.

Ignoring her, Gu Zi looked at Gong Xin. Her pitiful eyes melted Gong Xins heart. Who said she didnt like seeing Gu Zi?

Annoyed, Gong Xin retorted, If my Gu Zi wants to laugh, shell laugh. Whats it to you? What are you doing here? How dare you speak of my Gu Zi like that?

Who do you think you are? Who are you calling a flower? Dare to say it again?

Gong Xins eyebrows furrowed, her tone clearly impatient. Wang and his wife blanched at her words, especially when she referred to Gu Zi as my Gu Zi. Wangs wife was particularly upset. When had Gu Zi become Gong Xins darling?

Just as she was about to retort, the elevator doors opened. Gong Xin led Gu Zi inside, pressing the close door button, I dont want to share a ride with you. You can wait for the next one. Wang and his wife were left standing outside the elevator, their faces blank with surprise.

Inside the elevator, Gong Xin caressed Gu Zis hand, holding it tightly. Despite her tough exterior, she confessed, I called you my Gu Zi on purpose to spite them. I dont really think of you that way.

Gu Zi looked at her, her lips curling into a smirk. She replied, Sure, sure. Our

Miss Gong Xin, Gu Zits biggest enemy, would never consider Gu Zi as her darling! 

The elevator halted on the upper floor, and the trio emerged, making a beeline for the banquet hall on the third floor. It was nearing noon, the time for the banquet to commence, and the guests had already taken their seats. Consequently, those who arrived at this hour inevitably became the center of attention, observed by all as they made their entrance.

Moreover, the sight of Su Shen and Gu Zi together was striking, their handsome and beautiful figures impossible to ignore. The number of eyes drawn to them increased steadily.

Gong Xin and Gu Zi were familiar faces to everyone, but their joint appearance today was unexpected. It seemed as if Gong Xin had come to escort Gu Zi in.

Had the two adversaries reconciled?

There were rumors that Gu Zi had married and moved to the countryside, wedded to an older man. Where was this older man? When some guests spotted the tall, imposing man standing over six feet tall beside Gu Zi, they felt a sense of foreboding. Could the older man be the handsome, well-dressed gentleman beside her?

He hardly resembled a country bumpkin. If someone claimed he was a nobleman, they would believe it. They were certain he couldnt be Gu Zis husband. Perhaps her husband was too unsophisticated to be seen in public, so Gu Zi had come alone. Could this be the infamous Captain He, rumored to be on par with Gong Zhan?

Good heavens, if this was indeed Captain He, he was not just on par with Gong Zhan, he was even more masculine! But something didnt add up. Captain He was supposed to be around the same age as Gong Zhan, yet this man appeared quite mature.

Many eyes were drawn to Su Shen, sparking a flurry of whispers. The commotion caught the attention of those at the head table. Upon hearing that Captain He had arrived, Gu Shan and Zhang Mei were eager to rise and greet him. Gu Shan had just been wondering why Mrs. He and Captain He hadnt shown up yet, and here they were!

Lin Miao also excitedly followed, only to find that the arrivals were not Captain He, but Gu Zi and Su Shen.

Upon seeing Gu Zi, Gu Shan asked, Where is Captain He? Please invite him over. Theres no more room at the head table, so you and Su Shen will have to sit at the next table. Mom and Dad have saved seats for you.

Gu Zi didnt particularly care whether she could sit at the head table. Upon hearing Gu Shans words, she raised her voice a few notches to clarify, Captain He didnt come with us. Please dont be mistaken, everyone. This is my husband, Su Shen, not Captain He..

